Artist Mollie scoops award in lockdown competition

Mollie McKay's award winning painting.Mollie McKay's award winning painting.
Mollie McKay's award winning painting.
A young Portadown girl’s artwork has won over the judges of a special lockdown competition.

Mollie McKay, aged 17, caught the eye of the judges in the Radius Housing’s ‘Art from the Heart’ competition, citing her ‘unique artistic talents’.

Last month Radius called on children and young people to take a blank page or canvas and fill it with their ideas, using whatever creative materials they have at home. These would be given to residents of nursing homes, care homes and sheltered schemes during this time when they’re not seeing relatives or friends.

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Mollie McKay, a student at St Patrick’s Academy, was runner up in the Community Spirit category.

John McLean of Radius Housing, said: “There is certainly an incredible level of creativity in children and young people across NI. The COVID-19 crisis has been a difficult time for all of us, and particularly for children and those in care homes.”